Être militante racisée et queer à Montréal By

J’ai eu la chance d’avoir un entretien électronique avec Karine-Myrgianie Jean-François, travailleuse communautaire et militante. Voici un aperçu des pensées de Karine sur comment passer à l’action! 1-    Quels sont les sujets/problèmes qui te fâchent en ce moment? Penses-tu que ces sujets/problèmes sont adressés adéquatement? Présentement, je vois beaucoup de personnes très privilégiées minimisant voire […]

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Lean In and The Will to Kick Butt By

  What better way to kick butt than by leaning in? The Lean In campaign was started by Facebook COO Sheryl Sandberg, after she wrote a book called Lean In: Women, Work, and the Will to Lead. The basic premise of the book is about encouraging women to lean in to their full potential as […]

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White Liberalism and the Color of Justice: What Must Change in the Social Justice Community of Montreal By

It became all clear to me within an instant. The moment I started talking and explaining and struggling to make myself heard, understood and acknowledged, he shut me up. Interrupting me and then going on to contradict everything I just said, all having to do with my reality and personal experiences as an immigrant woman […]

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#Hashtag Phenomena & Social purpose: A Chat with feminist filmmaker Brenda Longfellow. By

Brenda Longfellow is a feminist documentary filmmaker and professor of Film Studies and Production at York University.  What inspired you to start working on an interactive web documentary based on the hashtag #Beenrapedneverreported? I was very inspired by the hashtag #beenrapedneverreported created after the Jian Ghomeshi scandal. I observed how this hashtag took off like lightning, […]

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#BringBackOurGirls & the White Savior Complex (Spotlight on Badass Nigerian Activists) By

The week’s Blogging Carnival theme brought back memories of the #BringBackOurGirls campaign that peeked in the spring of 2014. I recall a picture of Michelle Obama holding a sign with the famous hashtag, a street protest with Hollywood actors holding similar signs (!), and debates around the effectiveness of the hashtag in fighting Boko Haram […]

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Kickaction Chats with Motivational Speaker and Anti-Bullying Activist Molly Burke By

When she was just four years old, Molly Burke’s world began to darken: she was diagnosed with Retinitis Pigmentosa, a retinal disease causing loss of vision.Drawing from deeply personal experiences, Molly brings audiences, especially students, a uniquely young and current perspective on issues many of them face each day. Her message—that any challenge in life, whether it’s bullying, mental illness or a loss of vision, can be overcome—resonates powerfully.

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